Danielle Berstein has been an influencer since 2010 when she first joined social media. Danielle emerged into the space with her blog We Wore What, which focused heavily on fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, but soon saw the potential for greater things. Nine years later, Danielle’s blog is now an empire with 2.2 Million followers and her own clothing company, all of which have earned her a spot on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list. This savvy entrepreneur has a knack for finding moments of opportunity in the industry, and her recent launch is nothing short of this. 

Meet MOE

In 2013, Danielle’s blog was growing at a pace that she alone couldn’t manage, so she decided to look for some help. She had tried having interns in the past, but all of them seemed to have fallen short of her expectations. At this point, New York Fashion Week was on the horizon, and Danielle knew that her breaking point was near. At that moment, Danielle received an email from a FIT graduate named Moe Paretti asking for a job opportunity. Unlike previous candidates, Moe made it clear that she had no intention of becoming a blogger herself; she was just enamored with Danielle’s job and wanted to learn how she made money, helping in any way that she could. After one meeting in a coffee shop, Danielle knew she had found her perfect assistant.

What is MOE?

MOE is the first project management system designed to put control in the influencers’ hands. Over the years and as the influencer space grew larger, Danielle realized that so many other influencers needed their own perfect assistant: their own Moe. She would constantly watch her friends and colleagues struggle to stay afloat, losing their sanity in a sea of emails. There were so many micro-influencers that had the drive and passion to make it big but were held back by all of the work it took to manage their socials and collaborations. She knew how hard it could be without having a team of managers and assistants behind you because she had been there before. Danielle’s advantage though was that she had been there, but she had also made it out; she already knew what these influencers struggled with the most and how to get passed it all. With this superior knowledge and expertise, Danielle and Moe created the perfect assistant for public relations: MOE ASSIST. 

Manage Your Projects

Manage all of your projects in one place instead of across spreadsheets and notebooks. With this program, you can manage specific details of campaigns such as post requirements, captions, hashtags, and other creative details. Danielle stated that one of the hardest things to keep track of for an influencer is all of the minute details that are required in every campaign. Moe will categorize all of the requirements of your campaigns so that you never have to worry about complying with your contracts. Also, Moe will sync to your Google Calendar, alerting you of things such as when a caption is due for approval or to post your content on your feed. 

Send Invoices and Collect Payments

Moe allows you to connect your bank account so that companies can pay influencers directly. Moe also provides the option to auto-generate an invoice for the influencer to give to the company. The program will provide notifications to both influencer and company to stay on top of invoices and make sure that the influencer receives their payment on time.

Collaborate and Get Feedback

Moe provides you with a way to share project overviews with companies with real-time feedback. All members can add comments, feedback, and approvals all in one thread to help speed up the process.

More to Come 

Although MOE already has so many features to help influencers stay more organized, the company is planning to implement so many more. The program will have the ability to link with your social networks and upload all of your social statistics. You’ll also have the ability to connect your contacts to the program, making it easier to get in touch with other people involved in your campaigns. If you would prefer to keep your mail inbox a little bit less cluttered, Moe will also offer a messaging space to communicate with people.

What Does All of This Mean?

For influencers, this could very well be the thing that takes their blog to the next level. All of the items listed above can be accessed for just $28/month, which is incredibly affordable price compared to hiring an assistant and cheap enough for even the smallest of influencers. Even those who are hesitant can explore the platform with their 30-day free trial. For marketing agencies and companies, this program should be looked at as an asset too. This way, you know that your influencers are able to see every detail of your campaigns clearly and help reduce the risk of errors. You’ll be able to leave comments and feedback on their post layouts and even on invoices, making sure that everything runs smoothly. So is MOE ASSIST going to change the influencer marketing game? Yes, but in a positive way for everyone involved.

Author: Molly Hilt

The post Will MOE ASSIST Change Influencer Marketing? appeared first on Power Digital.

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