Likely, a Retweet strategy is not on your daily to-do list. However, Retweeting is a powerful social media marketing tactic, and properly knowing how to schedule Retweets To Grow Your Audience is an important element in your business’s overall social media marketing strategy.
More than likely, though, if you’re a marketing team of one, retweeting falls to the bottom of your to-do list.
And when you do find time, you probably Retweet in rapid fire. Unfortunately, rapid-fire Retweeting not only annoys your followers but weakens the effectiveness of sending a favorite tweet in the first place.

Fortunately, we’ve found a scalable solution to this problem: Scheduled Retweets
Being able to schedule retweets gives you the opportunity to:

Take full advantage of the power of the

Article From: "Debra Garber"   Read full article

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SERPCOM is a full-service Boston digital marketing agency focused on improving online visibility, increasing traffic, raising revenue and providing SEO services. SEO-first: A fundamentally better approach to online marketing.

Digital Marketing | SEO | Web Design & Development | Search Engine Marketing

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